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Our values







Everyone is responsible for their work, their investment, their relationships with others, their attitude and especially the service they provide to their clients. Within IDMM autonomy is coupled with responsibility, by developing one we obtain the other.

Well-being / Enthusiasm

Common concern for improving the quality of life at work.

Development of all according to their aspirations.

A quality present for a future of serenity.

IDMM conducts annual interviews to collect training and development wishes, internal training is set up to achieve these wishes. A process of improving workstations and postures is permanent.

Openness / Integrity

Open-mindedness: tolerance, interest, curiosity for different ideas, process of creativity. Autonomy and accountability lead IDMM to work openly to new ideas and improvements.


Indice égalité professionnelle : 76/100 (Février 2024)

Actions : favoriser l'embauche, la formation et la progression salariale des femmes.

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